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B2B Lead Generation: A Proven Way to Generate leads without spending money on paid ads

b2b lead generation

What is B2B lead generation?

B2B lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential customers who are interested in your products or services. It is an essential part of any B2B marketing strategy, as it helps you to build a pipeline of qualified leads that you can nurture and convert into sales.

How much does B2B lead generation cost?

The cost of B2B lead generation can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of your business, your target market, and the strategies you choose to use. However, there are a number of ways to generate leads without breaking the bank.

What is Cost Per Lead?

Cost per lead, or CPL for short, is the average amount you spend on marketing (cost) to acquire one new prospect (lead). It’s important to track what your CPL is for each of your marketing channels to see how successful your efforts are/were. It’s important to track this number, so you know for a fact that you are not overspending to acquire new leads. To calculate your cost per lead, you’ll need to know your total marketing spend and your total number of leads. Divide your marketing spend by the number of leads that you have generated, and you’ll have your average cost per lead.

How can a B2B lead generation course help you save money?

A B2B lead generation course can teach you the skills and strategies you need to generate leads without spending a lot of money on paid advertising.

Average Cost per Lead by Industry?

According to Marketing Charts, here is the average cost per lead by industry…
IT & Services: $369.88
Healthcare & Medical: $285.82
Financial Services: $271.54
Industrial & Manufacturing: $235.09
Media & Publishing: $191.07
Consumer Products: $182.37
Marketing Agencies: $172.72
Education: $65.69
Nonprofit: $43.36

Average Cost per Lead by Company Size?

According to Marketing Charts, here is the average cost per lead by company size..
1,001+ employees: $348.93
201-1000 employees: $212.12
51-200 employees: $180.47
2-50 employees: $146.94

Average Cost per Lead by Company Revenue?

According to Marketing Charts, here is the average cost per lead by company
$500+ million: $429.01
$10-500 million: $179.48
$1-10 million: $184.64
<$1 million: $166.01

We are pay ror performance organization; we provide the
following Lead Generation campaigns
MQL – Marketing Qualified Leads
HQL – Highly Qualified Leads
SQL – Sales Qualified Leads

Cost-Effective Lead Generation

Learn how to generate high-quality B2B leads without the hefty costs of paid advertising, saving your company valuable resources.

Cutting-Edge Techniques

Stay up-to-date with the latest tools and tactics in the field, ensuring your lead generation efforts remain competitive.


B2B lead generation is an essential strategy for businesses looking to save money on meta and Google ads while still acquiring valuable leads. Its cost-effectiveness, precision, and long-term benefits make it a worthy investment for sustainable growth. By understanding the value of B2B lead generation, you can harness the power of targeted, cost-efficient marketing to drive your business forward.


To the cutting-edge world of digital marketing at 360 Digital Marketing Institute in Mumbra! Our institute stands as a beacon of knowledge and innovation in the realm of online promotion, equipping individuals with the power to thrive in the digital landscape.

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